BROOKLYN, New York. Divorce is hard enough. It’s even harder if you learn that your partner is leaving you for another woman or man. Yet, if your marriage is ending due to a straying partner, you may want to consider the potential financial implications involved. For instance, if your ex is spending your shared money […]
Divorce Lawyer
4 Costly Mistakes to Avoid during Divorce
Divorce proceedings can take a serious toll on both your emotional well-being and your wallet. Forbes reminds readers that people who divorce earlier in life have more time to recoup their financial losses, but individuals who separate much later may never be able to regain their footing entirely and retire comfortably.
What Are Grounds for Divorce in New York? Brooklyn Divorce Attorney Explains
Once you have determined that you are eligible for divorce in New York, you will need to establish grounds for divorce. As explains, grounds are legally acceptable reasons to file for a divorce, and these vary from state to state. In the state of New York, there are both fault and no-fault grounds for […]
7 Tips for Divorced Parents – Insights from a Brooklyn Child Custody Attorney
The emotional challenge of divorce is the only thread keeping many unhappy spouses together. Although ending your marriage should be a final option, the benefits of divorce often outweigh the dissatisfaction of a failing marriage – even for couples who have children.
Is My Marriage Void? Staten Island Divorce Attorney Discusses Annulment in New York
A formal divorce is usually the only way to end a marriage. However, marriages are sometimes void or voidable, in which case the couple would request an annulment. Your annulment may be successful if there is a legal reason why one or both spouses could not enter into the marriage contract. For example, you may […]
How Can You Improve Your Chances of Winning Custody? Queens Divorce Attorney Explains
Divorce is almost always a stressful experience, but child custody disputes can be particularly overwhelming. You may be wondering which factors the courts will consider when awarding custody, and what you can do to improve the chances of a successful outcome to your case. A divorce attorney can answer your questions and represent your interests.