Just before the government shutdown, President Obama took a moment to release a proclamation concerning National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. His statements, which can be found on the White House website, begin by referencing the Violence Against Women Act, which was passed nearly 20 years ago.
The act greatly enhanced our nation’s response to domestic violence. The president cited the many changes that have come into effect in the past 20 years. Our culture has changed its attitude toward domestic abuse, leading to a drop in domestic crime-related deaths.
He also reminded citizens there still is work to be done. He mentioned the often-used statistic that 25 percent of women will experience domestic abuse during their life.
In the face of that figure, everyone should feel a personal connection to fighting domestic abuse. Statistically, one in four of the women you know will experience this type of violence from their spouse.
In New York City, we take domestic abuse seriously, so much so that we are one of a few states with Integrated Domestic Violence (IDV) courts. These courts are set up to ensure that domestic violence victims can pursue claims and divorce with only one judge.
This process keeps victims from wasting time and money in two courts and guarantees that they can safely leave an abusive environment as quickly as possible. Cases that are held in IDV courts are incredibly diverse. As such, IDV judges are trained to handle everything from felony-level abuse cases to custody and visitation cases.
As of May 2013, there were 42 IDV courts in New York. Just as the judges that hear IDV cases need to be well trained in a variety of legal areas, so too must IDV attorneys be experts in all areas of family law.
If you are in a situation that involves spousal abuse and you need to file for divorce, it’s imperative that you consult an attorney that can guide you through the trial and represent your interests. At Elliot Green Law, we have years of experience helping abuse victims get the security and compensation they deserve.
We can help you obtain an order of protection to keep you safe throughout the proceedings. To find out more or to schedule a consultation, Call Us At 718-260-8668 Today!