The challenges of ending a marriage often outlive the divorce proceedings – especially when a couple has children. Developing a parenting plan and coordinating schedules can be exhausting.
According to Psychology Today, it is not uncommon for one parent to criticize the other in front of the children after a divorce. Unfortunately, this creates unnecessary stress for the kids.
If you are facing this situation, you should not respond confrontationally; rather, keep these four tips in mind:
- Stay calm;
- Evaluate the information;
- Discuss the matter with your ex;
- And be honest with your children.
If you are considering divorce in New York, or if you are having a child custody dispute, contact the Elliot Green Law Offices. A divorce attorney in Staten Island will evaluate your case, answer your questions, and represent your interests. Call 718-260-8668 to schedule a free consultation.
Until then, read on to learn how to respond if your ex is badmouthing you in front of the kids:
Don’t Ignore the Problem
Many people are averse to confrontation – especially with former spouses. After all, it is best to minimize conflict with an ex, particularly if he or she is the parent of your children.
However, if your ex is badmouthing you in front of the kids, it is important to take action. These four steps can help you resolve the problem and reestablish a healthy environment for your children in both homes:
- Stay Calm
It may be tempting to retaliate, but this is a mistake. Try to accept that your ex is also feeling frustrated. Lashing out could give your ex justification to modify the child custody agreement and lead to other legal problems.
- Evaluate the Information
Listen to what your ex is saying about you, and consider its validity with an open mind. There may be truth behind what he or she has said. However, a bad spouse is not necessarily a bad parent, so ridiculing you in front of the kids is never justified. As such, you should discuss the matter with your ex.
- Discuss the Matter with Your Ex
With a calm, business-like approach, confront your ex about what you heard. It may be possible that he or she did not criticize you, or said something entirely different from what you heard. According to the American Psychological Association, open communication after a divorce is the key to preventing and resolving conflict.
- Be Honest with Your Children
After communicating with your ex, discuss the matter with your kids. This not only will give them an accurate perspective of what they heard, but it will also encourage open dialogue in the future.
If you are considering divorce, or if you have questions about child custody in New York, contact the Elliot Green Law Offices. Mr. Green is child custody lawyer in Brooklyn who can represent your interests.
He can handle the legal aspects of your divorce, child custody battle, or domestic violence case so you can focus on your personal well-being. Call 718-260-8668 today to schedule a free, 30-minute initial consultation.