A Brooklyn man is being sought by police after he fled with his young son. Jose Camacho, 36, does not have custody of the boy, according to News 12.
If caught, Camacho could face serious charges. Whether or not the infant is well looked after, the state of New York imposes strict penalties on anyone who violates a custody order.
Millions of children live with a single parent after divorce, according to statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau – and courts in New York will prioritize the best interests of the child over the needs or requirements of the parents in any custody case.
Are you considering divorce or facing a child custody dispute? Contact a Brooklyn divorce attorney from the Elliot Green Law Offices to discuss your case. Our office is available 24 hours a day. Call 718-260-8668 today to schedule a free consultation.
Let’s take a look at a few of the factors the judge will consider when awarding custody:
7 Important Factors That Could Decide Your Child Custody Case
The New York Unified Courts System divides child custody into two parts: legal and physical. Whereas a parent with legal custody has the right to make important choices in a child’s life, such as financial decisions and religious education, the parent with physical or residential custody will be responsible for the child’s day-to-day upbringing.
If you are getting divorced, it is preferable that you and your spouse come to an arrangement regarding the care of your children without needing to go to court – but if you cannot find common ground, it is crucial that you contact an experienced divorce attorney to represent your interests.
When both parents seek physical custody, the court will have to consider a range of factors when determining what situation will suit the best interests of the child or children. These factors vary from case to case but commonly include the following questions:
- What does the child prefer?
- Which parent has been the main caregiver/nurturer of the child?
- How do the parenting skills of each parent provide for the child’s special needs?
- How mentally and physically healthy are each of the parents?
- Has there been domestic violence in the family?
- What are the work schedules and child care plans of each parent?
- How willing are the parents to include the other in the emotional and social development of their child or children?
Are you wondering what will happen to your children after your divorce? Contact a Brooklyn divorce attorney from the Elliot Green Law Offices to discuss your situation.
Elliot Green is an experienced divorce attorney in New York who will guide you through the family court system and represent your interests. Mr. Green will give your case the individual attention that it deserves Call 718-260-8668 today to schedule a free initial consultation with a child custody lawyer.