BROOKLYN, New York. Physical abuse, sexual assault, and psychological abuse in a relationship brings with it an emotional and financial cost. According to Forbes, domestic violence comes with real financial costs for victims and for society as a whole. Physical violence can leave individuals unable to work, unable to perform basic life activities, and leave victims either in need of costly medical care or counseling. Post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from physical or emotional abuse can also interfere with a person’s ability to care for themselves or for their children, making it more difficult for victims to get back on their feet without assistance.
Individuals who suffer from abuse in the home might end up missing more days from work, may need more medical care than those who don’t suffer from abuse, and they may not be productive in their jobs, leading to losses in terms of raises and promotions. Others may also face the risk that they might lose their jobs. According to Forbes, as many as 8 million days of work might be missed in the U.S. due to domestic violence. These losses don’t account for other losses individuals might face due to financial abuse. When spouses run up credit card bills, or prevent their spouses from getting jobs or going to school, victims might lose out on income or may find themselves facing years of bad credit that can impact their ability to move on financially.
Victims often struggle financially after they leave an abusive relationship, especially if their ex had control over the finances or held them back from pursuing work opportunities or education. If you are struggling financially due to abuse in your marriage, you may be entitled to pursue a lawsuit seeking compensation for your damages. According to the Washington Post, a woman recently won a $21 million settlement against her ex-husband after suffering from domestic violence. The judge not only awarded the woman compensatory damages for her losses, he also awarded her punitive damages.
The financial consequences of domestic violence are real. According to the Nation, domestic violence victims might find themselves paying as much as $1,000 in mental health treatment after suffering from physical or sexual assault. Others may face additional financial consequences if they miss days from work. Low-income women who only get paid if they show up to work might suffer more, especially if they need to get additional childcare to attend court dates or need to take additional steps to protect their children from individuals they fear might harm them.
If you are going through a divorce in which domestic violence may have been a factor, consider reaching out to the Elliot Green Law Offices, Brooklyn, New York integrated domestic violence attorneys. Our firm can review your case, help you understand your rights, and assist you in seeking orders of protection for yourself and your children. Contact the Elliot Green Law Offices in Brooklyn, NY today to learn more.
Elliot Green Law Offices
32 Court Street, Suite 404
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 718-260-8668
Phone: 718-689-0282