BROOKLYN, New York. The New York Times is reporting that greater stock volatility may be the norm in the future. The S&P 500 is reportedly down by 4.6%. Overall, stocks are down by 1.5%. If you are thinking about getting divorced, what does this volatility mean for your investments and for your divorce?
The Risks of Digital Stalking During Divorce
BROOKLYN, New York. In any close relationship, two people might share many things with one another. Some couples share phones, or share their locations. Others might share digital services and passwords. But, what happens when you plan to get divorced? New technology brings with it unique risks. Some individuals are becoming victims of digital stalking […]
Things to Know When Dividing Your Property During Divorce
BROOKLYN, New York. If you are getting divorced in Brooklyn, New York one of the big questions you’ll need to answer involves the division of assets. New York law offers guidelines about how assets are to be divided during divorce. The courts will consider differently the assets and property you acquired before your marriage from […]
Can I Sue for Domestic Violence During My Divorce?
BROOKLYN, New York. Physical abuse, sexual assault, and psychological abuse in a relationship brings with it an emotional and financial cost. According to Forbes, domestic violence comes with real financial costs for victims and for society as a whole. Physical violence can leave individuals unable to work, unable to perform basic life activities, and leave […]
Challenges Men Face in Divorce
BROOKLYN, New York. While many women often struggle following divorce, recently, men have also started to speak up about the unique challenges they face during divorce. While women are more statistically likely to experience financial worries following divorce, men also face unique financial challenges and child custody questions.
How to Keep Divorce Details Private
BROOKLYN, New York. How do celebrities manage to keep their divorces private? While the press often wants to learn all the details, in most celebrity divorces, the most information the public gets is a statement released by each party (or both parties together). If you’re getting divorced in Brooklyn, New York, you might not need […]