The Elliot Green Law Offices are divorce lawyers who handle divorce cases involving international family law. If you are based in Brooklyn, New York, but were married in Israel, have Israeli citizenship, or have strong connections to Israel, you may want to work with a divorce attorney in Brooklyn, New York who has a strong understanding of the unique challenges that can arise in an Israeli divorce. Israeli divorces can involve a range of challenges that might include international child custody battles, division of international property, situations where one partner lives abroad, or cases where the jurisdiction for the divorce may be in question. If your partner is living in Israel for example, working with an Israeli divorce lawyer like the Elliot Green Law Offices in Brooklyn, New York can assist you with your case.
Israeli Divorce: Unique Challenges
If you can establish New York residency, you may be able to divorce your partner under the jurisdiction of New York. However, divorcing a person who lives abroad may introduce unique complications and challenges, because the divorce papers will need to be served abroad and you’ll need to show the court that divorce papers were properly served. If you have a willing divorce partner, you can divorce a person living abroad if you follow proper legal procedures, but if your partner cannot be found, doesn’t want to get divorced, or is refusing to cooperate, this can introduce unique challenges in your Israeli divorce. The Elliot Green Law Offices are divorce lawyers in Brooklyn, New York who help clients handle the unique challenges that can arise when one partner resides abroad, or when international couples seek divorce.
If you and your partner are from Brooklyn, but live in Israel, the situation can be even more complex, particularly if Israel’s jurisdiction applies to your divorce. Israeli divorce is governed by religious law. The divorce process is quite patriarchal, with only the husband being permitted the right to grant a divorce. This means that if you are a woman living in Israel seeking a divorce from a husband who doesn’t want to get divorced, you might face unique challenges and obstacles. Fortunately, if you live in Brooklyn, and can establish residency, New York state law should apply to your divorce case. However, if the husband doesn’t consent to the divorce, your divorce may not be recognized under Israel’s religious divorce laws, even if it might be recognized by U.S. law.
Have questions about your Israeli divorce? The Elliot Green Law Offices are Brooklyn, New York Israeli divorce lawyers who can help you navigate the range of challenges that Israeli divorce brings. Our attorneys are familiar with Jewish divorce and customs and can help you navigate the unique challenges and questions that might arise in these divorce situations.
Child Custody and International Parent Kidnapping to Israel
If you are getting divorced and are Israeli, it is important to understand your rights with regards to international child custody law. Under Federal law, it is against the law for a parent to take a child to Israel or another foreign country with the intention of interfering with another parent’s custody of the child. If your spouse has taken your child to Israel to prevent you from seeing your child or to interfere in your child custody case, this could be a case of international parent kidnapping, which could have legal and criminal consequences outside of family law. For example, a parent who takes a child out of the country illegally could face up to three years in jail.
International child kidnapping can be incredibly troubling to a parent who has lost his or her child, but this can also cause serious emotional and psychological harm to a child who may be removed from his or her school, friends, family, and familiar environment. Children who suffer international child kidnapping may be at higher risk for certain emotional disturbances.
What can you do to return your kidnapped child to the United States if he or she was taken to Israel by your former partner? Unfortunately, local authorities may not have the ability to get authorities in another country to return your child to the United States. In order for a child to be returned to the U.S., negotiations may need to take place. Returning a kidnapped child may involve the work of various state agencies, including the Department of State, which may need to work with foreign officials to get the child returned to the U.S. The Elliot Green Law Offices are divorce attorneys in Brooklyn, New York who can work with the appropriate authorities to assist you with your child custody case if these complexities arise.
What should you not do if your child has been taken to Israel? While it might be tempting to fly to Israel yourself and take your child back, you should not attempt to do this. Doing so may put you in violation of international laws, which could make your international child abduction case more complex. For example, if the other parent has legal documents in his or her home country that establish custody of the child, local laws might prevail. The best course of action is to seek the assistance of a divorce lawyer, like the Elliot Green Law Offices in Brooklyn, New York who specialize in Israeli divorce cases.
Israeli Family Law Firm in Brooklyn, New York
Divorce can be complicated, but when you’re dealing with a divorce that spans countries and cultures, your divorce can be even more complex. For example, if you and your partner have property in Israel, you may need to consider these assets in your divorce. If your partner has taken your child outside the U.S., you might also be facing unique challenges in your custody case. Israeli divorces also raise unique challenges because they might involve parties who ascribe to strict religious traditions. When one partner ascribes to these traditions, and the other does not, conflict can arise. Are you Israeli and are you thinking about divorce? You don’t have to navigate the divorce process alone. Reach out to the Elliot Green Law Offices, and our Brooklyn, New York family lawyers today to learn more about your options and rights under the law.