BROOKLYN, New York. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 116 people die every day from opioid overdoses. As many as 2.1 million people had an opioid use disorder. The opioid crisis has touched not only individuals, but also families and children. Substance use disorders can impact marriages and families. If you are going through a divorce due to your partner’s substance use disorder and have questions and concerns about how to protect your children and your rights going forward, consider reaching out to the Elliot Green Law Office, child custody lawyers in Brooklyn, New York.
According to NPR, social workers are seeing more families torn apart by opioids, with more parents losing their children due to their opioid use than those who use methamphetamines and cocaine. NPR reports that the foster care system is overwhelmed due to the opioid crisis. In some states, the number of children in foster care has all but doubled.
Even when parents suffer from addiction disorders, the courts are reluctant to cut off contact between parents and the children altogether. While the non-using parent might often get physical custody, the courts generally understand that children need continued contact with their parents. So, if your ex suffers from opioid addiction, supervised visitation or limited overnight stays may be required.
Of course, there are situations where more stringent measures may need to be taken—for example, if a parent has proven to be violent or has a history of domestic violence.
Courts and social workers generally favor a model that focuses on treatment for the ailing and addicted parent while also offering pathways for continued contact with the children.
All of this can be stressful if you are the sober parent. After all, you may have questions about your children’s safety, especially if your partner has a history of relapses. Fortunately, there are measures you can take under the law to protect your children. You can request supervised visits contingent upon your ex getting rehabilitative care and undergoing regular drug screenings. Not only do these measures protect your children, but they can help a parent who is on the path to recovery.
It can be scary to go through a divorce if your ex is addicted to opioids. While your children are your first priority, some families suffer financial losses or rack up debts due to addiction and drug use. It is important that you protect your rights and your financial health, both for yourself and for your children. There may also be community resources available to you and your children should you require additional support if you are seeking divorce from an opioid addicted ex.
Elliot Green Law Offices are child custody lawyers in Brooklyn who are here for you. The opioid crisis has affected so many Americans and children. It can be tough to walk away, especially if a partner suffered from addiction during your marriage. Fortunately, sometimes divorce is the change that can lead individuals to take the path to recovery.
Elliot Green Law Offices
32 Court Street, Suite 404
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 718-260-8668