Divorce can be tough on kids. According to Medscape, children whose parents have separated often show signs of behavioral problems long after the event such as antisocial habits, anxiety and depression.
Those problems might be exacerbated if one of the parents relocates. According to the American Psychological Association, children whose parents have moved away perceive their parents as poor sources of emotional support and role models.
If you are considering divorce or facing a child custody dispute, it is critical that you prioritize your children’s best interests. This approach not only will help your kids cope with the transition, but it may also work in your favor if your case goes to court.
If you would like to discuss your case with a family lawyer in Brooklyn, turn to the Elliot Green Law Offices. As your child custody attorney, Mr. Green will be your on-call legal representative, making himself available 24 hours a day to answer your questions and address your concerns.
Call 718-260-8668 to schedule a free consultation. You can also visit the USAttorneys website to learn more about child custody laws in New York.
Here are eight tips to help your kids cope with divorce:
- Do not expose your children to conflicts or disagreements with your ex. In fact, it is usually best that you encourage a healthy relationship between your kids and their other parent.
- Do not criticize your ex in front of the kids. Forcing your children to take sides can impose unnecessary stress.
- Do not interrogate your children about your ex’s personal life.
- Try to keep your children’s schedules consistent. Divorce comes with plenty of dramatic lifestyle changes, so a consistent schedule can minimize the impacts of divorce on your kids.
- Do not change your parenting style. For example, do not let your kids get away with misbehavior just because they are going thought a tough time.
- Keep your ex informed about important events in your children’s lives.
- Consider enrolling yourself and your children in a workshop for kids and parents of divorce, such as the programs offered by Family Kind in New York.
- If your child does not appear to be coping well with the divorce, consider discussing the situation with a therapist.
Divorce is a difficult process of everyone involved, but with the right approach, you can help your kids make a healthy transition into their new lifestyle. If you have questions about child custody cases, time-sharing plans, child support or other divorce matters, contact the Elliot Green Law Offices.
Mr. Green is a family lawyer in Brooklyn who will compassionately represent your interests. If you are facing a custody dispute, Mr. Green will evaluate your case to determine if you could benefit from mediation. If your case goes to trial, he will help you prepare for court and avoid mistakes that would compromise your personal or financial well-being. Call 718-260-8668 today to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.