The emotional challenge of divorce is the only thread keeping many unhappy spouses together. Although ending your marriage should be a final option, the benefits of divorce often outweigh the dissatisfaction of a failing marriage – even for couples who have children.
If you are a parent who is planning to divorce, it is critical that you take steps to protect your interests. You should have a stable routine that allows you to stay involved in your children’s lives, and you should not forget to prioritize your personal well-being.
A Brooklyn child custody attorney from the Elliot Green Law Offices can help you avoid mistakes during the divorce process. Mr. Green can explain the factors that courts consider when awarding custody, and he can answer your family law questions.
Call 718-260-8668 to schedule a consultation. You can also visit to learn more about the divorce process in New York.
Here are seven tips for divorcing parents:
- Prioritize Your Personal Well-Being
It is easy for single parents to neglect themselves for the sake of their children. According to, it is important to practice self-care in the early stages of single parenting. Pay attention to your basic needs, eat well and get regular exercise when you can.
- Reach out to Support Networks
Find help in a local support group for single parents. Websites such as Parents Without Partners can connect you with like-minded single parents in your area. This is a good way to talk about problems that you cannot discuss with friends who have not experienced divorce.
- Accept Offers of Help
Do not be too proud to accept offers of assistance from friends and family. If someone in your family offers to take care of your children for an hour or two, accept the offer and use the time to reenergize yourself.
- Plan Ahead
Planning ahead can prevent a lot of stress and anxiety. This can be as simple as ensuring you have enough medication in your home in the event of an illness, or scheduling your child’s school holidays.
- Get a Babysitter
A regular babysitter can give you a much-needed opportunity to relax. offers several tips for choosing a safe and reliable babysitter.
- Follow a Routine
Set up a regular schedule for chores, meals, bedtime and other routines. This will help you structure your day and avoid changes that can result in tantrums and general frustration.
- Be Honest with Your Child
As your child grows older, you should prepare to answer questions about the other parent and the divorce. Be honest with your children in an age-appropriate way, and make sure they receive outside help from counselors if they are having difficulty coping with the situation.
If you are considering divorce, or if you have questions about child custody in New York, contact the Elliot Green Law Offices. As a Brooklyn divorce attorney, Mr. Green can answer your questions and explain your legal options. Call 718-260-8668 to schedule a consultation.