Divorce is never a pleasant experience – especially for children, who often feel helpless, anxious and depressed during the proceedings. However, contrary to popular belief, divorce can actually have positive effects on children.
It is common for parents to endure an unhappy marriage for their kids’ sake, but according to Psychology Today, this can actually be unhealthy for children. Here are a few ways that kids can benefit from their parents’ divorce:
- Happier parents create happier children;
- Less stress;
- Teaches your child not to stay in unhealthy relationships;
- Divorcés are often better parents after divorce;
- And children can witness their parents happy in new relationships.
If you are considering divorce in New York, contact the Elliot Green Law Offices. As your divorce attorney in Brooklyn, Elliot Green will help you avoid mistakes that compromise your personal and financial interests.
Call 718-260-8668 to schedule a free consultation. In the meantime, read on to learn five ways children can benefit from divorce:
- Happier Parents Create Happier Children
It is difficult for children to be happy when their parents are raising them in an environment filled with tension. Although divorce is never a comfortable experience – and the dramatic changes can cause stress – children can ultimately benefit from living in an emotionally stable environment with parents who don’t have to endure the frustration of an unhappy marriage.
- Less Stress
Arguing with your spouse is stressful, and your emotional turmoil will have a direct impact on your kids’ well-being. Although the divorce may cause initial anxiety, your children can enjoy a less stressful upbringing when their parents are more relaxed.
- Teaches Your Child Not to Stay in Unhealthy Relationships
Many parents believe that divorce will set a bad example for their kids. Although every relationship has hills and valleys, and your children should learn how to handle tough times responsibly, you should never stay in a marriage that is abusive or causes unhappiness. It is usually best to encourage a relationship between your children and their other parent, but getting divorced could teach your kids that they should not settle for an unhealthy relationship.
- Divorcés Are Often Better Parents after Divorce
Divorce can make parents happier, less stressed and more confident. All of these effects can make you a better parent.
- Children Can Witness Their Parents Happy in New Relationships
Starting a new relationship after a divorce can be an emotional challenge – don’t expect your kids to support the idea initially – but this is an opportunity to show your children what a healthy relationship looks like.
If you are going through a divorce in New York, contact the Elliot Green Law Offices. As a Brooklyn child custody lawyer, Elliot Green can handle the legal aspects of your divorce and child custody battle so you can focus on your personal well-being. Call 718-260-8668 today to schedule a free initial consultation.