Filing for divorce is never an easy decision to make. Even in cases when the quality of the marriage has deteriorated, splitting up can be a complex and traumatic time.
Divorce Statistics research indicates that nearly 45 percent to 50 percent of first-time marriages will end in divorce, which makes it a common problem that nearly half of all adult Americans will have to face at some stage in their life. For many, the complicated part is deciding if divorce is the right decision and to establish if you are actually ready for divorce.
If you think you are ready for a divorce, it is important to consult an experienced legal professional. At The Law Office of Elliot Green, we are experts in family law, and we can assess your circumstances to find the best possible solution to your divorce concerns. If you are looking for a Queens divorce attorney, schedule an appointment with us today by calling 718-689-0282.
1. The Marriage Is Not Working for One or Both of You
The Huffington Post suggests that if the marriage is not working for one of the spouses, it may be time for divorce. Many people tend to put the needs of others first and will endeavor to make their spouse happy while they are actually unhappy. Marriage should be about mutual happiness, and unless it is working for both spouses, a change may be necessary. Experts suggest that the most important step is to be honest with yourself and then to communicate your thoughts to your spouse.
2. Marriage Feels Like an Obligation
One of the most obvious signs that you may be ready for a divorce is feeling a need to force a decision based on your current marriage situation. According to the Huffington Post, indecision can often be an indicator that there are bigger factors at play, and it may be hinting toward a reality that you are not comfortable facing. A better approach is to identify the reason behind your indecision and to use that as a starting point for your concerns.
3. Strong Negative Thoughts Against Your Partner
A serious indicator that you need to change your situation is if you find yourself wishing evil or harm on your spouse that may end the marriage without you needing to file for divorce. It is common, for example, for wives to wish their spouses would die in plane crashes or even to plot a murder. Experts recommend that it is not worth waiting for fate to help end your marriage.
4. All Attempts to Save the Marriage Have Failed
It is important not to give up on a marriage quickly and easily, and many professionals recommend trying everything you can to save it and to live happily. If you feel you have done just that without success, it may be time to call a divorce lawyer.
If you are looking for a Staten Island divorce lawyer, give The Law Office of Elliot Green a call at 718-689-0282. We provide extensive, expert legal advice to help you take control of your situation.